EMIS-Supported Projects

MathSearch – Analysis and Retrieval of Mathematical Formulae

The MathSearch project (03/2012 – 02/2015) has the aim to develop tools for the automatic analysis and retrieval of mathematical formulae for the database Zentralblatt MATH. Mathematical formulae are a significant and characteristic part of mathematical publications, hence a search functionality allowing a very precise search for mathematical formulae would open up a new level of quality in search and retrieval and forward the development from information to knowledge management.

With the advent of the world wide web, new concepts and approaches were developed also for the presentation and analysis of mathematical knowledge on the web, especially the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML), which not only allows to present mathematics on the web but also to analyze and process mathematical knowledge. But typically, mathematicians do not create their publications in MathML; instead they use TeX, LaTeX or other tools to produce their manuscripts. Typesetting systems like TeX are designed for qualitative presentation of diverse content in printed media and include rather little semantic rules, leading to various typesetting possibilities of the same formula display.

In a first step of the MathSearch project the publications indexed in the database Zentralblatt MATH will be converted to MathML, which, due to the described nature of TeX and similar typesetting systems, will not be encoding in a unique way. Hence a disambiguation of the mathematical terms is necessary to identify the meaning of the formulae. In a next step, concepts and methods for the retrieval together with an intuitive user interface for mathematical expressions will be developed.
Technically, the project bases on XML (MathML) and RDF as standards.

EuDML – European Digital Mathematics Library

EuDML is a CIP project to build the European Digital Mathematics Library. The project, partially funded with the EC funds, started on 1 February 2010, and will last for three years, until 31 January 2013.
A huge part of the mathematical knowledge produced in Europe now exists in digital form. At a national level, digitisation programmes have devoted enormous effort over the last decade to construct digital repositories of mathematical literature. All recent mathematical texts have been published digitally.
EuDML is a European project that will design and build a collaborative digital library service that will collate the current distributed content.

vifamath – the Virtual Library of Mathematics

vifamath, the Virtual Library of Mathematics, is a central access point for your search for mathematical information. It allows both to search for conventional forms of media and for electronic resources.
The vifamath search interface allows to search simultaneously in library catalogues, fulltext repositories, Zentralblatt MATH reviews and other Internet sites covering mathematics.
The project was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) during 2008–2010.

Partners of the Project were the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen), the German National Library of Science Technology Hanover (TIB Hannover), and FIZ Karlsruhe.


The goal of the project's research and development is a web-based interactive learning system (for mathematics) that uses instruction as well as constructivist elements. The project provides an architecture, basic knowledge representations, and techniques for new-generation on-line interactive mathematics documents (textbooks, courses, tutorials) and e-learning.

EMANI – Electronic Mathematical Archiving Network Initiative

The Electronic Mathematical Archiving Network Initiative (EMANI) is a co-operational system of reference libraries and content providers for the storage of digital content in mathematics, the retrodigitisation of printed publications in mathematics, and the long-term preservation and archival of digitised content.

EMANI combines the expertise of the partner libraries and of members of the Mathematical Community and applies it to the task of managing growing digital backfiles and digital publications in mathematics. The result will be an archiving and online dissemination system for math materials that is responsive to needs of academic libraries and the scholarly communities they serve. The development of this system is an ongoing project of the EMANI partners.

EULER – European Libraries & Electronic Resources

The EULER services provides a simple but comprehensive and unified gateway to the electronic catalogues and repositories of participating institutions. It covers bibliographic databases as well as library catalogues and thus provides the most direct route to obtaining information about mathematical literature, as well as the literature itself.

The Jahrbuch Project – Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics (ERAM)

The Jahrbuch Project provides an electronic database of the Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik (JFM) and a digital archive of the most important mathematical publications of the period 1868–1942. The project was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1998–2004.

Partner of the ERAM Project were the

  • Technische Universität Berlin (Fachbereich Mathematik)
  • Staats- und Universitätbibliothek Göttingen.
  • Zentralblatt für Mathematik (FIZ Karlsruhe)

The LIMES Project

The goal of the LIMES Project is to improve the facilities of the European Database in Mathematics with Zentralblatt as its core, to transform Zentralblatt within this framework to a distributed European enterprise, and to improve and widen the access of Zentralblatt to European countries by providing structures for a better distribution on the technical and on the economical level.

The MONET Project

The aim of the MONET project is to demonstrate the applicability of the latest ideas for creating a semantic web to the world of mathematical software, using sophisticated algorithms to match the characteristics of a problem to the advertised capabilities of available services and then invoking the chosen services through a standard mechanism. The resulting framework will be powerful, flexible and dynamic, yet robust and easy to navigate, putting state-of-the-art algorithms at the disposal of users anywhere in the world.

Math on the Web: Get it by Logic and Interfaces

Almost all mathematical documents available on the Web are marked up only for presentation, severely crippling the potentialities for automation, interoperability, sophisticated searching mechanisms, intelligent applications, transformation and processing. The goal of the project is to overcome these limitations, passing from a machine-readable to a machine-understandable representation of the information, and developing the technological infrastructure for its exploitation.

Reference Levels in School Mathematics Education in Europe

The Reference Levels Project is a Europe-wide examination of mathematics teaching in primary and secondary schools, aimed at giving comparative data for assessing the state of mathematics education in Europe.


The Trial-Solution project provides for teachers and learners in the field of mathematics access to a library of teaching materials distributed over the Internet. The software developed within the project assists in preparing teaching materials from existing materials, e.g., LaTeX documents, and at the same time provides tools for classifying and cataloguing mathematical teaching materials in sophisticated ways, making possible the automated and interactive delivery of learning materials corresponding to specific user needs.

WebALT – Web Advanced Learning Technologies

The WebALT project aims at using existing standards for representing mathematics on the web and existing linguistic technologies to produce language-independent mathematical didactical material.

The WebALT project will create software and sample content for an XML database of mathematical problems to be used in undergraduate university courses in mathematics. The technological solutions to be developed by the project are aimed to be applicable directly to middle and high school mathematics instruction.

European and International Mirror Servers

The EMIS services are available from a number of mirror sites (currently about 40) that replicate the whole contents of the server.